ShockerFest International Film Festival
Greetings from Jessi Gotta and Bryan Enk of gotta/enk films.

Our first feature, THE BIG BAD, has been picked up for distribution by Phase 4 Films. It's currently On Demand exclusively on Comcast, Infinity, Cablevision and Cox through Nov. 30, after which it will be featured on other On Demand channels and will be released to DVD in March 2013.

Thank you for helping us make this happen - screening at your festival certainly helped us secure our distribution deal.

Attached is the new artwork, courtesy of Phase 4 Films and a link to the press release on Shock Till You Drop.

Thanks again, and hope all is well!
Jessi & Bryan

ShockerFest 2012 is just around the corner.  All of the accepted films have been notified.  All the accepted movies are up on the website.   The dates for screening the movies are also up, but it is a moving target.   Some films get pulled due to distribution contract language and some are moved to accomodate things that come up.  So if your film has only one date listed that may change in the next week. 


Post Title.



The Winners are posted.   Sorry it took so long, but my computer took a dump and I couldn't get on the website to update it. 

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Judging is in its final stages this weekend.  We will post the winners on November 1st.   We have had a wonderful audience reception of the festival and the films.  The films just get better and better every year.  Films that would have won ShockerFest back in 2002, now do not even make the cut to be shown.  I want to give kudos to all the filmmakers that were accepted into ShockerFest this year, you guys were amazing.   

First Post!



ShockerFest begins Oct 1. only one week away.  I have been working like crazy to get this new website up and running.  I hope you like it.  The old one looked pretty bad.  Please give me any input you can to help us create a better website and a better festival. 

    Louise Baker

    I am a writer, produce, director.  I produce and direct several TV shows on KAZV-TV here in Modesto, CA.  I am also an author.  My Sci-Fi novel, Symbiosis, is available on Please check it out. 
     My husband George and  I have been co-Directors of ShockerFest for the last 10 years.  We are also filmmakers and have written, produced and directed  two award winning films.


    September 2012
    November 2011
    October 2011
    September 2011



ShockerFest International Film Festival